Climate impacts a hot topic at UQ Placemaking Summit

Impacts of climate change on cities such as flooding, cyclones or heat stress are to be tackled at The University of Queensland’s annual Placemaking Summit. The one-day event, titled ‘Shifting Climate/Shifting Places’, will investigate how urban planners, environmental designers, architects, and other design professionals can best address climatic threats to urban living. [rand_post] Co-organiser UQ’s … Read more

Daylight not rain most important for Africa ‘green-up’ phenomenon

Contrary to popular belief, seasonal rains are not the most important factor for starting the growth cycle of plants across Africa. New research shows that the amount of daylight plants receive is the biggest contributing factor to starting the iconic ‘green-up’ phenomenon in Africa – where the continent’s plants and trees grow their leaves. A … Read more

Climate science: 300-year thinning may have predisposed Antarctic ice shelves to collapse

Ice shelves in the eastern Antarctic Peninsula may have been predisposed to collapse by hundreds years of thinning according to a study in Scientific Reports. To investigate past drivers of ice mass loss and its effect on the present, William Dickens and colleagues constructed a 6,250 year record of glacial meltwater discharge by analysing oxygen variants … Read more

Imperfect diamonds paved road to historic Deep Earth discoveries

Deep Carbon Observatory highlights 10 top discoveries to celebrate a 10-year global investigation of Earth’s largest, least-known ecosystem; 1,200 scientists from 55 nations, 1,400 peer-reviewed papers. Thousands of diamonds, formed hundreds of kilometers deep inside the planet, paved the road to some of the 10-year Deep Carbon Observatory program’s most historic accomplishments and discoveries, being … Read more

Coral discovery equips researchers with new environmental monitoring method

A rare element discovered in Great Barrier Reef coral skeletons will help scientists understand the environmental history of nearby regions. Researchers at The University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES) found concentrations of the element vanadium in coral is directly linked to forest burning and land clearing … Read more

Atmospheric pressure impacts greenhouse gas emissions from leaky oil and gas wells: UBC study

Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure can heavily influence how much natural gas leaks from wells below the ground surface at oil and gas sites, according to new University of British Columbia research. However, current monitoring strategies do not take this phenomenon into account, and therefore may be under- or over-estimating the true magnitude of gas emissions. … Read more

New report lays out action plan for making land sector carbon neutral by 2040

A new report published in Nature Climate Change today unveils a land sector roadmap laying out critical actions on forests, farming and food systems the world should take to veer away from spiking global temperatures. The study is the first of its kind to offer a point-by-point identification of specific land use actions, their related … Read more

Glacial-interglacial carbon storage controlled by Antarctic sea ice

Half of the drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during glacial periods is the result of Antarctic sea ice modifying ocean circulation and acting as a ‘lid’, trapping carbon stored in the ocean beneath. This is according to the new research by scientists at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and the University of Chicago, published … Read more