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Student Background Records
Do you want to meet new friends in your college or university in the USA? To help you make friends and feel more at home in your new college or university, we have collected publicly available information about its students, so you can get to know the people around you. Starting a new life in college or university is easier when you have like-minded friends around you.
The information in this guide is for communication purposes only.
Bismarck State College
College in Bismarck, North Dakota Bismarck State College is a public college in Bismarck, North Dakota. It is the third largest college in the North Dakota University System with 3,781 students as of September 2016. Address: 1500 Edwards Ave, Bismarck, ND 58506, United States Phone: +1 800-445-5073
Student Education Facts
Jeremy Brick - Bismarck, ND A resident of Bismarck, North Dakota, Jeremy Brick graduated from Bismarck, North Dakota high school and he lives in his hometown. He went on to attend Bismarck State College after graduating. In 2014, he graduated from college.
Nicholas Breidenbach - Napoleon, ND A native of Napoleon, North Dakota, Nicholas Breidenbach graduated from the local high school in his hometown, not too long ago. Upon graduating from high school, he decided to continue his education at Bismarck State College. He graduated from this college in 2015.
Coral Breidenbach - Arvada, Colo. Coral is from Arvada, Colo.. At Bismarck State College, she studied Energy Management. Coral graduated in 2015.
James Bremer - Red Wing, MN James is a native of Red Wing, Minnesota. James graduated from high school there. James attended Bismarck State College after graduation. In 2015, graduated with honors.
Tianna Brenneise - Mandan, ND Tianna was born and resided in Mandan, North Dakota. She has been a high school student in her hometown. After graduation, Tianna attended Bismarck State College, from where she has graduated in 2015.
Kyle Briggs - Velva, N.D. Kyle was born and resided in Velva, N.D.. Kyle has been a high school student in hometown. After graduation, Kyle attended Bismarck State College, from where has graduated in 2015.
Nathan Briggs - Bismarck, N.D. His hometown is Bismarck, N.D., where Nathan Briggs was educated through high school. Nathan Briggs attended Bismarck State College after he graduated. In 2016, Nathan Briggs has graduated and currently works full-time in his field of studies.
Ashleigh Brink - Bismarck, ND A native of Bismarck, North Dakota, Ashleigh Brink graduated from the local high school in her hometown, not too long ago. Upon graduating from high school, she decided to continue her education at Bismarck State College. She graduated from this college in 2015.
Thomas Brinkman - Dodge, N.D. Originally from Dodge, N.D., Thomas Brinkman studied Power Plant Technology at Bismarck State College. Thomas completed studies in 2017.
Shantell Brekhus - Kenmare, N.D. Shantell is a high school graduate from Kenmare, N.D.. Bismarck State College was her next stop after graduation. As of 2016, she has graduated. Brekhus works as a full-time employee.
Kaitlyn Breidenbach - Napoleon, ND Kaitlyn is a high school graduate from Napoleon, North Dakota. Bismarck State College was her next stop after graduation. As of 2016, she has graduated. Breidenbach works as a full-time employee.
Margaret Brink - Bismarck, N.D. Margaret is originally from Bismarck, N.D.. She attended Bismarck State College where she studied Liberal Arts. The year she obtained her degree was 2016.
Christopher Bredahl - Mandan, ND A native of Mandan, North Dakota, Christopher Bredahl graduated from the local high school in hometown, not too long ago. Upon graduating from high school, decided to continue education at Bismarck State College. Christopher graduated from this college in 2016.
Cody Bridger - Medora, N.D. Originally from Medora, N.D., Cody Bridger studied Management at Bismarck State College. Cody completed studies in 2016.
Joshua Brilz - Bismarck, N.D. Joshua is from Bismarck, N.D.. Joshua studied Liberal Arts at Bismarck State College. Joshua has obtained his degree in 2017.
Joshua Brevik - Belfield, ND Joshua is a native of Belfield, North Dakota. Joshua graduated from high school there. Joshua attended Bismarck State College after graduation. In 2016, graduated with honors.
Russell Brawley - Dickinson, N.D. His hometown is Dickinson, N.D., where Russell Brawley was educated through high school. Russell Brawley attended Bismarck State College after he graduated. In 2016, Russell Brawley has graduated and currently works full-time in his field of studies.
Ryan Brink - Gillette, Wyo. A resident of Gillette, Wyo., Ryan Brink graduated from Gillette, Wyo. high school and lives in hometown. Ryan went on to attend Bismarck State College after graduating. In 2016, graduated from college.
Tifiny Breaux - Houston, TX Tifiny is a high school graduate from Houston, Texas. Bismarck State College was next stop after graduation. As of 2016, has graduated. Breaux works as a full-time employee.
Naomi Brendsel - Maxbass, ND A resident of Maxbass, North Dakota, Naomi Brendsel graduated from Maxbass, North Dakota high school and she lives in her hometown. She went on to attend Bismarck State College after graduating. In 2016, she graduated from college.
Bryan Bridges - West Melbourne, Fla. The high school graduation of Bryan Bridges has been successfully completed. His current degree is in Energy Management. Bryan Bridges is a resident of West Melbourne, Fla.. He studied Energy Management at Bismarck State College. In 2017, Bryan Bridges will graduate from Bismarck State College.
Joshua Bring - Bismarck, N.D. Joshua was born and raised in Bismarck, N.D.. Joshua studied Liberal Arts/Transfer at Bismarck State College. Joshua obtained degree in 2018.
Katelyn Brinkman - Mayville, N.D. A Mayville, N.D. native, Katelyn Brinkman graduated from a local high school. In the years following her graduation, she went to Bismarck State College. She completed her studies there in 2016.
Magdalyn Brendel - Bismarck, N.D. Magdalyn is a high school graduate from Bismarck, N.D.. Bismarck State College was next stop after graduation. As of 2016, has graduated. Brendel works as a full-time employee.
Steven Brevelle - Henderson, Nev. Steven is from Henderson, Nev.. Steven studied Energy Management at Bismarck State College. Steven has obtained his degree in 2018.
Jon Briggs - Bismarck, N.D. Jon is from Bismarck, N.D.. Jon studied Geographic Information Systems at Bismarck State College. Jon has obtained his degree in 2017.
Breshelle Brennise - Mandan, ND Breshelle was born in Mandan, North Dakota, and graduated from high school there. Breshelle next step was to attend Bismarck State College. Breshelle graduation was in 2017. Currently, Breshelle works full-time.
Crystal Bridgers - Breckenridge, Minn. Bridgers studied Lineworker at Bismarck State College. She is a native of Breckenridge, Minn. Having earned her degree in 2017, she has begun her successful career.
Wesley Brewster - Normal, Ill. Wesley grew up in Normal, Ill., and studied Nuclear Power Technology at Bismarck State College. In 2017, graduated from Bismarck State College.
Skylar Bright - Garrison, N.D. A resident of Garrison, N.D., Skylar Bright graduated from Garrison, N.D. high school and she lives in her hometown. She went on to attend Bismarck State College after graduating. In 2017, she graduated from college.