Do you want to meet new friends in your college or university in the USA? To help you make friends and feel more at home in your new college or university, we have collected publicly available information about its students, so you can get to know the people around you. Starting a new life in college or university is easier when you have like-minded friends around you.
The information in this guide is for communication purposes only.
Liberal arts college in Greencastle, Indiana
DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, is a private liberal arts
college with an enrollment of 1,972 students.
The school has a Methodist heritage and was originally known as Indiana Asbury University.
DePauw is a member of both the Great Lakes Colleges Association and the North Coast Athletic Conference.
Address: Administration Building, 313 S Locust St, Greencastle, IN 46135, United States
Phone: +1 765-658-4800
Student Education Facts
Jakub Zurkowski - Chicago, IL Jakub grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and studied Economics at DePauw University. In 2018, graduated from DePauw University. |