Student Background Records

Do you want to meet new friends in your college or university in the USA? To help you make friends and feel more at home in your new college or university, we have collected publicly available information about its students, so you can get to know the people around you. Starting a new life in college or university is easier when you have like-minded friends around you.

The information in this guide is for communication purposes only.

  Emerson College


College in Boston, Massachusetts
Emerson College is a private college in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1880 by Charles Wesley Emerson as a "school of oratory," the college offers more than three dozen degree and professional training programs specializing in the fields of arts and communication with a foundation in liberal arts studies.
Address: 120 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116, United States
Phone: +1 617-824-8500

Student Education Facts

Claire Torres - San Antonio, TX
 Claire Torres
Claire is a native of the city of San Antonio, Texas. She attended Emerson College where #she# studied Writing, Lit and Publishing. In 2017, she has completed her degree program.
Massiel Torres - Jamaica Plain, MA
 Massiel Torres
Massiel grew up in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, and studied Writing, Lit and Publishing at Emerson College. In 2017, graduated from Emerson College.
Victoria Torres - Katy, Texas

Victoria has completed her high school education successfully. She is currently working towards her Writing, Literature & Pub degree. Originally from Katy, Texas, Victoria is currently studying at Emerson College. After graduating in 2020, Victoria will begin her career as a nurse.
Cam Torres - Fall River, MA

Cam was born and raised in Fall River, Massachusetts. Cam studied Theater Education at Emerson College. Cam obtained degree in 2014.
Cam Torres - Fall River, MA

Cam was born and raised in Fall River, Massachusetts. Cam studied BA Acting at Emerson College. Cam obtained degree in 2014.
Shannon Torosian - Stoneham, MA

It has been a successful year for Shannon Torosian in graduate school. Currently, holds a degree in Writing, Lit and Publishing. Shannon studied at Emerson College and is a resident of Stoneham, Massachusetts. Shannon resides with parents. Shannon Torosian graduated from Emerson College in 2014.
Andrea Torres - Miami, Florida

Andrea is from Miami, Florida. Andrea studied Writing, Literature and Publi at Emerson College. Andrea has obtained his degree in 2014.
Andrea Torres - Miami, Florida

Andrea grew up in Miami, Florida, and studied Marketing Communications at Emerson College. In 2015, graduated from Emerson College.
Kayla Tostevin - Fall City, WA

Originally from Fall City, Washington, Kayla Tostevin studied Writing, Lit and Publishing at Emerson College before continuing studies in her profession. Kayla completed her degree in 2015.
Sydney Torres - Chicago, IL

Torres studied Musical Theatre at Emerson College. Sydney is a native of Chicago, Illinois Having earned degree in 2018, has begun successful career.
Madeline Torres - San Jose, CA

Torres graduated from high school with honors. Her current degree is in Writing for Film and TV. Originally from San Jose, California, Madeline Torres studied Writing for Film and TV at Emerson College. She graduated in 2016.
Kathryn Towey - Phoenix, AZ

Kathryn was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. She studied Marketing Communications at Emerson College. Kathryn obtained her degree in 2016.
Lachlan Towle - Scotts Valley, CA

Lachlan grew up in Scotts Valley, California, and studied Media Arts Production at Emerson College. In 2016, he graduated from Emerson College.
Adrian Town - Taipei

Town is a native of Taipei Adrian studied Film Production at Emerson College. As of 2016, had earned degree and continues working in field of studies.
Mae Toohey - Old Orchard Beach, ME

Mae has successfully completed high school. Currently, she holds a Journalism degree. Ms. Toohey has a degree in Journalism from Emerson College. She resides in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Ms. Toohey graduated in 2016.
Yagmur Topcu - Boston, Massachusetts

Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, Yagmur Topcu studied Theatre and Performance at Emerson College. Yagmur completed studies in 2020.
Alicia Topolnycky - Punta Gorda, FL

Originally from Punta Gorda, Florida, Alicia Topolnycky studied Journalism at Emerson College before continuing studies in her profession. Alicia completed her degree in 2019.
Laura Tormos - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Originally from Cambridge, Massachusetts, Laura Tormos studied Media Arts Production at Emerson College. She completed her studies in 2017.
Avrumie Tornheim - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Tornheim is a native of Fort Lauderdale, Florida Avrumie studied Musical Theatre at Emerson College. As of 2020, had earned degree and continues working in field of studies.
Patrick Torphy - Bryn Mawr, PA

Patrick is from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. At Emerson College, studied Journalism. Patrick graduated in 2017.
Olivia Townsend - Concord, New Hampshire

Originally from Concord, New Hampshire, Olivia Townsend studied Creative Writing BFA at Emerson College before continuing studies in her profession. Olivia completed her degree in 2020.
Anna Torzullo - Setauket, NY

Anna has successfully completed high school. Currently, she holds a Media Arts Production degree. Ms. Torzullo has a degree in Media Arts Production from Emerson College. She resides in Setauket, New York. Ms. Torzullo graduated in 2018.
Lindsey Toomer - Milford, PA

Originally from Milford, Pennsylvania, Lindsey Toomer studied Journalism at Emerson College before continuing studies in profession. Lindsey completed degree in 2021.
Jane Townsend - Naples, Florida

Jane has successfully graduated from high school. She currently holds a degree in Creative Writing BFA. Jane resides in Naples, Florida. She has studied Creative Writing BFA at Emerson College. Jane has graduated in 2021.
Ashley Toner - Barnegat, New Jersey

Ashley grew up in Barnegat, New Jersey, and studied Sports Communication at Emerson College. In 2021, graduated from Emerson College.
Amelia Toscano - West Simsbury, CT

Amelia was born and raised in West Simsbury, Connecticut. She studied Marketing Communications at Emerson College. Amelia obtained her degree in 2022.
Mariely Torres Ojeda - San Antonio, Texas

The high school graduation of Mariely Torres Ojeda has been successfully completed. Mariely current degree is in Marketing Communications. Mariely Torres Ojeda is a resident of San Antonio, Texas. Mariely studied Marketing Communications at Emerson College. In 2021, Mariely Torres Ojeda will graduate from Emerson College.
Jack Tortland - West Granby, Connecticut

Jack is a native of the city of West Granby, Connecticut. Jack attended Emerson College where #she# studied Media Arts Production. In 2022, has completed degree program.
Fiona Torrese - Coral Gables, Florida

Fiona grew up in Coral Gables, Florida, and studied Theatre and Performance at Emerson College. In 2021, she graduated from Emerson College.
Jenna Tomsky - Lebanon, New Jersey

Originally from Lebanon, New Jersey, Jenna Tomsky studied Media Arts Production at Emerson College. She completed her studies in 2020.